Take Another Look at Your Tagline


Taglines—what are they and why on earth do we want you to care about them?

When you think about taglines and the catchy ones that continue to stand the test of time (looking at you, “Just do it” and “I’m lovin’ it”) you notice right away that these tiny lines of words belong to huge corporations. But taglines aren’t just for the bigwigs in business. They’re just as powerful for the up-and-comers and small businesses.

But why is that? Why do you need this (ideally) 7-words-or-less line of copy that forever lives beneath your logo and on your marketing assets? Taglines are usually the first indicator of what a company does. Logos and company names don’t always pay tribute to the services or goods a company provides—and this is why your tagline needs to put the work in.

Your tagline is like an ID for your business. You can quickly skim it and get the gist of what you, the client, can expect from a business. Taglines aren’t intended to be seasonal, campaign-focused, or a trend piece. They’re meant to sum up what you do in the simplest, most efficient form. After all, you want people to glance at your Insta bio, sign, or website and automatically know why they should care about what you do.

Your tagline is also a place to express your company’s ethos and the differentiators that set you apart from the competition. For example, we manage social media marketing for some exceptional chiropractors in the Pacific Northwest, but their taglines help define what their specific specialties are. Some are speaking to unique, holistic care “A Hybrid Approach to Health” and some speak to region and exceptional care “East Meets Best.”

However you spin it, taglines are a critical part of just about any company. And it’s totally possible to come up with your own. Just follow our steps below, and you’ll have a well-defined tagline in no time.

1. Length 100% matters.

Keep it short and try to convey just one clear idea. You want your customer to understand your message at a quick glance, so try to stick with 7 words or fewer. People will be viewing your tagline on a mobile device and if you go too long, it’s very possible that your formatting will be obstructed or the full tagline won’t be visible. Short and sweet is the way to go.

2. Let your tagline explain your “why.”

What does your company do (or what do you do) that sets you apart from the rest? Why should a client come to you over the competition? Think strategically and use keywords that will grab your client’s attention. For example, if you were a vegan bakery that only uses local ingredients, your tagline might say something like, “Vegan Only, Local Always.” Put the benefits forward to help communicate what you’re all about from the moment someone reads your tagline.

3. Taglines take time.

Block out a few weeks at least to brainstorm and gather feedback on your options. Since taglines are crucial for educating and attracting new clients, there’s no room for subjectivity. Call upon some trusted colleagues or hire a focus group to weigh in on which tagline perfectly sums up your company.

4. Alliterations and rhymes will automatically give you a leg up if you want your tagline to be memorable and impactful.

We all know “Nationwide is on your side” and “Shave time, shave money,” because they’re oh-so catchy. Being a little clever with your tagline is a big win, as long as it’s serving a purpose.

5. Be consistent with your tagline and try not to dilute it by using it in a sentence or using different variations of your tagline in the copy.

Your tagline should stand alone, and it should be thought of as the invitation for your client to explore all your brand has to offer. Many brands choose to pair their tagline and logo together (this is called a lockup) or they’ll use it somewhere easily visible on their website or sign.

Now that you have lots of tips to create a tagline that shines, try it for yourself and show us what you come up with! Remember, you’re writing more than just a headline here. This is your company’s moment to wow the crowd, so take time to make it perfect.

Still need some tagline help? You know we’ve got you. Reach out any time, and we’ll be ready to chat about all of your content goals. Book a free consultation here.


Written by Brittany Barker

Brittany is a senior copywriter, with a passion for helping all kinds of brands find their voice. When she’s not writing, she’s probably styling outfits, playing with her film cameras or talking to her cats. See what she’s up to @glowiboibrit

Brittany Barker